Kirk & Co. is supporting CN with a multi-year, multi-phase strategic communications, consultation and engagement program on their Milton Logistics Hub Project. The Project, undergoing an environmental assessment by a CEAA-CTA Review Panel, involves building a $250 million intermodal hub in Milton, Ontario.
Kirk & Co. has helped design and implement a comprehensive consultation and engagement program, build a new and expanded project website, and produce various print and online public information and marketing materials. In addition, with experience working on variety of projects going through environmental and regulatory reviews, Kirk & Co.’s team supports CN with strategic advice related to successfully navigating the Review Panel process.
CN Milton Logistics Hub
Canadian National Railway
Strategic communications, consultation and engagement services

The proposed Project is needed to serve a growing demand for goods moved in containers in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA), Canada’s largest population area and fastest-growing region. Population in the region is expected to increase from 6.6 million to 10 million by 2041.
Intermodal facilities, such as CN’s Brampton Intermodal Terminal (BIT) and the proposed Milton Logistics Hub, are where shipping containers are transferred between trains and trucks to efficiently move goods. Intermodal is safe, efficient, and environmentally responsible. In the absence of intermodal capacity, goods in containers would move by long-haul trucks, which generate four times more greenhouse gas emissions per container and increase congestion on regional highways.
The proposed Project is currently undergoing a comprehensive environmental assessment by an independent joint review panel, under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012.